via stephaniedan
Sometimes when we think of a project that we need/want to do, the variations and time commitment and everything in the world tries to stop us. We think well why write this story over another, why donate to this cause over this one, and we can get caught in this never-ending cycle of doubt and hesitancy. Yes, most of those things are true, there probably is no right or wrong answer, just a choice between two seeming equals. It will cripple us if we let it.
Whenever I start to feel like this, I like to think of Anne Lammot’s Bird by Bird. In it she talks about her writing process, and one of her points is “write shitty first drafts.” Allow yourself to just do something, even if it’s an awful thing, and you’ll free yourself up to a whole new world of possibility. Don’t over analyze what you feel called to do, just do it. Find something you’re passionate about, even if it’s as small as volunteering at a soup kitchen once a month. Don’t worry that you could do more or maybe you should help that urban gardening program instead. The important thing is that you’re doing something, something important in your life and once you finish that, maybe you can go on to help the garden, or maybe you’ll stay at the soup kitchen.
The point is, just do it. This is one instance where you shouldn’t let your thoughts get in the way of your actions. Live in the moment, not in your head. Your head will thank you once it’s caught up. 🙂
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